Σάββατο 1 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Etymology of beret

Beret (cap; earlier, berret) is from the diminutive form birretum of the Latin birrus (large hooded cloak). It is either of Gaulish origin or it is related to the red colour [burrus: red] of the wool of which it was made. Burrus is related to the Greek word pyrros [Gr: πυρρός] meaning red, the colour of the fire, from pyr [Gr: πύρ], fire.

In modern Greek.

a) pyr: n. fire [Gr: πυρ]

b) pyrosvestis: fireman, fire fighter [Gr: πυροσβέστης]

c) pyrotechnima: firework, pyrotechnics [Gr: πυροτέχνημα]

d) pyrotechnurgos: pyrotechnist [Gr: πυροτεχνουργός]

e) pyromanis: pyromaniac [Gr: πυρομανής]

f) pyrolysi: pyrolysis [Gr: πυρόλυση]

g) pyrovolo: to shoot, fire, gun [Gr: πυροβολώ]

h) pyrkayia: n. fire, conflagration [Gr: πυρκαγιά]

i) beres: beret [Gr: μπερές]; loanworn

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